
Frequently Asked Questions

CLEVA CRETE has been specified in my project, what next?

1. Make contact with CLEVA CRETE and notify them of this project on 1300 503 929. For SA 08 7089 9991. 

2. Your CLEVA CRETE special projects representative will send you a project planner and a request for a concrete mix design along with other critical information such as pour dates, quantities etc.

3. If you are new to the technology, and would like a presentation or meeting we can organise one for you.

4. On the day of the pour, we will arrive half hour before the first concrete truck to ensure that it is a stress-free experience for you. We are available for concrete truck dosing 24/7 Australia wide.  

When estimating, how much should we allow for CLEVA CRETE?

CLEVA CRETE 842 technology is a far superior tech that completely controls moisture issues in concrete. This makes it a fully warranted product so on-site quality control is imperative and dosage is by computer either during the batching process, or on-site as requested, protecting the full warranty, you and your client.

As all states price differently, CLEVA CRETE does not set the price in stone, it’s best to contact your special projects coordinator in your state direct to find out the exact price per cube.


  • CLEVA CRETE 842 MVRA is $51 per cubic metre (Resolves moisture vapour egress)
  • CLEVA CRETE 842-WP is $77.45 cubic metre (Waterproofing to stop ingress/egress)
  • CLEVA CRETE 842-RP is $93.75 cubic metre (Corrosion inhibitor plus waterproofing)
What are the payment terms?

Payment terms are strictly 7 days from the date of invoice.

Are standard curing measures required when using CLEVA CRETE?

All CLEVA CRETE admixtures are not the same as an AS 3799—1998 liquid membrane-forming curing compounds.

When an AS 3799—1998 liquid membrane-forming curing compound is specified for concrete, CLEVA CRETE would recommend that you use one. Combinations of high temperatures, winds and low humidity would require placement planning that include ‘Hot Weather’ considerations with concrete placement and finishing.

Whilst in optimal weather circumstances the answer to this question may be no, we recommend that you adhere to all standard procedures for pouring in cold weather and pouring in hot windy weather as advised by Cement Concrete & Aggregates Australia. This means that many concrete finishers will choose to use a curing agent, or simply keep the top surface wet till sundown at such times. In normal temperatures and when it’s not a windy day CLEVA CRETE doesn’t normally require any kind of curing agent on top because it cures the concrete from the inside out, and if it’s not a 35° day with high and low RH, it fares very well.

What are the on-site dosing procedures?
  • We will arrive at the job site half an hour prior to first concrete truck
  • We’ll set up our dosing ute at a convenient location to you and await first truck
  • Once first truck arrives, we will direct the truck towards us
  • After grabbing the docket, we will calculate the dosage rate based on cubes
  • Hook up the wand to dose & ask driver to mix for 5 minutes
  • Turn off dosing pump once liquid meter reaches the required litres.
  • Continue for the rest of the trucks.

We will be on-site until the last of the concrete has been placed, so you don’t have to stress about not having enough concrete and us leaving site too early.

How does CLEVA CRETE enable early laying of resilient flooring finishes?

This is achievable because the CLEVA CRETE 842 tech grabs the excess water in concrete while its still wet, the water that normally rises up in a form of bleed water, we capture the free water and turn it into a pure form of concrete, stopping capillary formation. No capillaries means no moisture vapour emanating out of the slab. This process is over in 72 hours so we comfortably recommend laying of resilient flooring after 14 days.

The only reason we don’t recommend laying flooring any earlier is because the pH level of the concrete slab requires 2 weeks to oxidise to reach the required pH level.

How does CLEVA CRETE bring forward scheduled completion dates?

One of the greatest benefits is the steep early setting curve, with setting occurring 13-17% faster when in the plastic stage. It also develops early strength typically on day 7 to 10 but is reaching these compression ratios after 16 to 72 hours.

Because of this many engineers are signing off on the early stripping of primary formwork, typically four days earlier per each floor. With good planning, this may bring each project forward based on how many levels in the building and your capacity of your trades to keep up with the concrete pours, plus if vinyl layers can be screeding levels and putting down floors typically after day 14, this also brings a project forward.

Does CLEVA CRETE densify concrete?

CLEVA CRETE 842 is one of the best densifiers available. As it creates masses of nano sized particles of a very pure amorphous style calcium silicate hydrate gel that goes very hard after about three months.

In recent taber-rotary-abrasion testing, after 28 days, CLEVA CRETE showed itself to be similar to control. However, after 90-120 days, CLEVA CRETE showed itself to be a lot harder and denser than control. Thereby proving that CLEVA CRETE 842 MVRA and WP are more effective at densifying concrete and increasing hardness than its competitors.

How does CLEVA CRETE stop slab curl?

Slab curl is caused when the concrete has capillaries and moisture is able to move freely in and out of the slab, affected by any abutting surface temperatures and moisture levels. Due to the fact that the concrete element stays wet underneath and expands whilst the top is drying out in sunny or dry conditions.

If the substrate under a building, a road or a warehouse floor is wet, but the top of that slab is dry, that slab will normally curl. As CLEVA CRETE doesn’t allow moisture ingress, the slab will not expand underneath and therefore not curl on the top.

Is CLEVA CRETE ideal for underground carparks, cellars and lift wells?

Whether in-situ poured, precast or sprayed in, CLEVA CRETE enhanced concrete is incredibly good at keeping any ground water out. It will take hundreds of years for moisture with a solid hydrostatic back-pressure to get through CLEVA CRETE 842 WP’s defense shield.

Does CLEVA CRETE challenge concreters in any way?

Our technology grabs the bleed water and turns it into a gel. This gel makes the concrete a bit ‘stickier’ to screed at times and in certain conditions.

Many concrete finishers have noticed no difference to normal concrete placement, others have stated that a 32MPa feels like screeding a 40.

You’ll also notice the slump will marginally pull back when CLEVA CRETE 842 is in the concrete. This does vary according to each individual mix design.

CLEVA CRETE makes it a lot easier to bull float and final finish. Most guys find that they can finish the concrete and get it dead flat much earlier than usual. 

In hot and windy weather, does the concrete need to be kept wet to stop plastic shrinkage cracking?

Because CLEVA CRETE stops any capillaries from forming it typically doesn’t crack on top or shrink anywhere near as much as other concrete, but as there will be tension on the very top surface when drying quickly on a warm or hot day there will be a lot less surface tension if it is kept wet in such conditions.

When putting a concrete roof on top of a building or carpark, can bonding materials and sealers be used as soon as the top has weathered enough and reached the correct pH?
Is CLEVA CRETE 842 environmentally friendly?

CLEVA CRETE – Partnering with you from the first pour to deliver superior waterproofing and durability within the concrete itself. Our innovative solutions save you time and reduce costs, ensuring sustainable project success.